Open-Source AWS Connect Manager for Windows – SSM, WinSCP or RDP with a single click!

 I am not sure if this is going to be useful to anyone, but if you’re working with AWS Linux and Windows instances (especially if these are ephemeral) you’ll know that it’s a bit of a pain to quickly connect to these. I wanted a single-click solution that would allow me to SSM or WinSCP onto Linux servers, and RDP to my Windows instances and always get me the latest information, but I couldn’t find anything on the net, so I wrote my own Windows tool.

The very first alpha version is available for download now and the source code is released as an open-source on Github:


AWS Connect Manager

  • Open-source Windows tool to simplify connecting to Amazon AWS EC2 instances.
  • Ever wanted to connect to your Windows or Linux instances with a single click? Give it a try!


  • Automatically reads your AWS ‘credentials’ file
  • Single click connection to SSM, WinSCP and RDP
  • Combobox to switch between AWS Profiles
  • Combobox to switch between AWS Regions
  • Auto lists all instances, providing details such as Instance Tag, Instance ID, Private IP Address, Instance Type, Platform and Availability Zone
  • Easily copy to clipboard: Instance ID, IP Address or CLI SSM Command


  • Single-click SSM, WinSCP & RDP: alt tag
  • Configuration Screen alt tag


WinSCP Prerequisite:

Integration with WinSCP needs some work, it currently requires a manual setup of the new WinSCP connection in WinSCP, which must be configured as follows:

  • Connection Name: AWS
  • File Protocol: SCP
  • Host Name: localhost
  • Port: 54321
  • User Name: root Note: If you want SCP auto-login, you need to configure advanced settings and under SSH / Authentication, configure the path to your private key PPK file (also needs to be configured on the server.

RDP Auto-Login

  • If you want RDP to auto-login to your Windows servers, enter shared RDP credentials into the configuration screen. I currently advise against this practice, but if you want to go ahead, be AWARE, that currently credentials are saved into the application config file in a raw unencrypted format.

Application Download

Application Installation

  • Download
  • Unzip
  • Run: AWS-Connect-Manager.exe

Source Code & Licensing

  • This project is open-source released under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE – Version 2, June 1991.
  • Feel free to fork and further enhance this project.
  • Application is coded entirely in C# using Visual Studio.
  • No third-party dependencies except ConEmu (open-source tabbed terminal emulator for Windows).


Author / Contact


It’s a work in progress. Let me know what you think or if this is something you find useful.