How to fix “Warning: PDO::__construct(): The server requested authentication method unknown to the client [mysql_old_password]” authentication error

This article describes how to fix MySQL connection error: (“Warning: PDO::__construct(): The server requested authentication method unknown to the client [mysql_old_password]”), experienced during MySQL or MariaDB authentication (typically during establishing a database connection). [Read more…]

Windows Batch File: How to Backup MySQL to WinRar passworded file and upload it to SkyDrive

Following is a batch file I’ve created to backup my MySQL database. It compresses the backup to a passworded WinRar file. Which is then uploaded by the same batch file to my free 25gb Microsoft SkyDrive account (you can use any cloud storage provider which can be mapped to drive letter). Batch script then automatically names created backup using the current date and time stamp. It then deletes all WinRar files older than 30 days on SkyDrive, thus rotating backups for me automatically. Batch file can be scheduled to run as often as needed. [Read more…]

My Online Hard Drive Idea!

hdds.gif It just came to me that it shouldn’t very hard to write an application, which would create pretty large online hard drive. Ok, ok, I know this is pretty far fetched and I didn’t spent much time pondering this question, but here is the idea in it’s most simplest form: Almost every person knows someone who has a website…, this in many cases means that person got an online account with a web space provider, where most of the provided space will simply never get used. There is also many of us, who are running their own servers and there is tons of unused space… [Read more…]